General Principles and Conditions

Applications are currently closed and the next grant round will open in August 2024.

Before applying please note the General Principles and Conditions listed below:

  1. The Linder Foundation (The Foundation) seeks to provide specific project funding, as opposed to supporting running costs or overheads and will favour projects where it can be a major stakeholder and for projects that can clearly demonstrate impact.
  2. Recipients of grants are required to acknowledge receipt and to publicly acknowledge the support of The Foundation in proportion to the contribution it has made to the project.
  3. Trustees are keen to take a personal and active interest in projects by meeting those involved through informal visits, meetings with beneficiaries/applicants and inviting formal presentations on projects.
  4. In making awards The Foundation will aim to give on-going and meaningful support to selected charities which fall within their guidelines. Such support is likely to start at a modest level and there is no presumption against The Foundation making more than one grant to the same organisation. However, grants will not be made to a single organisation on such a regular basis that they are effectively an income stream for that organisation.
  5. With the exception of medical electives, The Foundation only considers applications from UK registered charities and organisations with exempt status such as churches, educational establishments, hospitals or housing corporations.
  6. With the exception of medical electives, The Foundation does not typically fund projects outside the UK, even if the organisation is registered within UK.
  7. The Foundation is not able to accept applications from individuals or for individual research or study. This includes gap year activities, study trips, fundraising expeditions and sponsorship.
  8. It is not a prerequisite that an organisation should provide part of the funds for its own project. However, if an organisation is able to raise part of the cost of a project itself, that will be a favourable factor in the assessment of a grant application particularly where the application is for larger projects.
  9. Grants will only be awarded for the amount requested in the application and will not be scaled back to a lesser amount.
  10. The Foundation will only support projects which are properly costed.
  11. Grant applications must state exactly what the grant will be used for and any grant awarded can only be used for that purpose. If the project is abandoned or scaled back any savings or underspends must be returned to the Foundation.
  12. No grant will be made for any project unless an online Application Form has been fully completed and submitted and any subsequent grant or instalment is dependent on a satisfactory and timely report being received by the Foundation.
  13. Please do not write in capital letters.
  14. The Trustees will not consider any application which does not comply with these guidelines.